Thursday, 21 January 2016

Why should we drink plenty of water?

Bariatric Surgery Center in Punjab

Weight Loss Surgery Center in Punjab

Meet the Top Weight Loss Surgeon in India

Acne :
 Flushing out toxins with water may reduce breakouts.

Painful Sunburns :
Hydration calms sunburn symptoms and restores a fatigue body.

Bags under Eyes :
Dehydration weakens delicate under eye skin, making bags more prominent.

Dry, Red Nose :
Staying hydrated in dry environments protects fragile nasal skin.

Longer Hangovers :
Drinking water is thought to reduce hangover durations.

Healthy Scalp :
A flaky, itchy scalp is almost always a dry scalp, so drink up.

Strong Hair & Nails :
Your body is composed primarily of water. For healthy supple with 8+ glasses a day.

Clear, Bright Eyes :
Dehydration reduces potassium and electrolyte level, which are key to moist eyes.

Weight Loss :
Drinking 2 cups of water 20 minutes before a meal is proven to help with weight loss.

Smooth, Wrinkle-Free Skin :
Drinking more water improves the elasticity of the skin, preventing wrinkles.

Weight Loss Surgery can help Obese Females get rid of PCOS

Bariatric Surgery in India

Weight Loss Surgery in India

Meet the Leading Weight Loss Surgeon in Punjab

PCOS is a common problem especially in obese women. The hormonal imbalance not only effects the physical health but gives a mental trauma and the associated infertility further adds to the agony of the suffering females.

UIn obese females weight loss can help one get rid of PCOS. For those who cannot shed their weight with diet and exercise, weight loss surgery is a boon.

Weight Loss surgery not only helps to shed your extra weight but also corrects the PCOS in more than 60-85% of females.

In all our series of infertility due to PCOS, 100% of our patients have conceived after weight loss surgery.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Why Choose Jammu Hospital for Bariatric Surgery in India?

Jammu Hospital - India's most trusted name in Health Care - supremacy in Health care is well acknowledged. The state-of-the-art infrastructure, Medical Professionals of international repute and adoption of latest technology places the hospital on the highest pedestal of quality care.

World-Class care at Jammu Hospital, Jalandhar (Punjab) INDIA.
With adoption of latest technologies, techniques and world class medical expertise, Jammu Hospital at Jalandhar, Punjab offers healthcare services comparable with the finest in the world with outcomes that are at par with the best. The value for money services are delivered in a patient-friendly setting with tender loving care.

Quality Improvement Activities Emphasized on :
Safety : The emphasis is to make Jammu Hospital safe by implementing strategies and mechanisms to avoid injuries to patients from the care that is intended to help them and to avoid injuries to provider staff from the environment that is intended to support them.
Effectiveness : Providing effective healthcare by identifying strategies and implementing mechanisms to provide services based on scientific knowledge to all who could benefit from it.
Patient Centerdness : Patient centred approach by identifying strategies and implementation of mechanim for provision of care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs and values, etc.
Timliness : Ensuring timely care by identifying strategies and implementation of mechanism to promote appropriate waits and harmful delays for those who receive and those who give care.
Efficiency : Incorporating efficiency by identifying strategies and implementing mechanism to avoid waste, in particular waste of equipment, supplies, human resource and money.
Equity : Provision of equitable healthcare by identifying strategies and implementing mechanisms to provide care that does not vary in quality because of personal characteristics that are not in the control individual such as gender, ethinicity, geographic location and socioeconomic status.

Patient Care at Jammu Hospital Jalandhar

Bariatric Surgery in India

Weight Loss Surgery in India 

Meet the Top Weight Loss Surgeon in Punjab
  • We care in hospital and maintain transparency at the time of discharge you will receive all the record of surgery and medicine prescription which you have to follow.

  • We will stay in touch even when you go home.

  • We maintain your data and keep reminding you about your periodic blood test and visits to avoid nutritional deficiencies.

  • We provide you timely dietary guidelines which help you to reach your goals in healthy way.

  • We are 24×7 available to help you whenever required.

  • We keep on organizing support groups which provide bariatric patients an opportunity to discuss issues they face after surgery.

Best Obesity Surgery Center in India

Best Obesity Surgery Center in India 

Weight Loss Surgery in India

What is Obesity?

When a person has weight which is about 20% more than the ideal body weight a person is said to be obese. Obesity is graded in terms of BMI (Body Mass Index) which is a statistical measurement derived from one’s height and weight. At BMI more than 23 person start showing sign of obesity. A BMI of more than 30 indicates that you are behavioral method have failed in controlling your weight and you are a candidate of Bariatric surgery.
BMI = Weight (in kg)/Height (in m2)

Factors leading to Obesity :

Some people are born with a predisposition to gaining weight and becoming obese. Factors that increase the person’s risk of becoming obese are genetics, lack of physical activity, family history, age, negative emotions, sex, eating disorder.

Complications associated with Obesity :

Incident of heart attack with BMI more than 40 is about 10 time more in obese person. Obesity puts you at greater risk of developing diabetes, gall bladder diseases, hypertension, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, breathlessness, sleep apnea, CHD, osteoarthritis, gout, reproductive hormone abnormalities and polycystic ovary syndrome and so on…

Ways to overcome obesity :

Weight loss is usually possible thru dietary changes, increased physical activity and behavior modification. One can reduce 10 to 15 kg excessive body weight with dieting and exercise but once you lose your weight another difficult task is to maintain your idle body weight which is a difficult task for every person. In case where dieting, exercise does not work you know what is the golden way to lose your excessive body weight the magical way is weight lose surgery or Bariatric Surgery which helps you to fight against your excessive weight and solve various complication related obesity.

Monday, 18 January 2016

7 Important Reasons to Chew Food Properly for maintaining a healthy weight

Bariatric Surgery in India

Weight Loss Surgery in India

Meet the Top Weight Loss Surgeon in Punjab

1. Absorb More Nutrients and Energy from Your Food
Chewing breaks your food down from large particles into smaller particles that are more easily digested. This also makes it easier for your intestines to absorb nutrients and energy from the food particles as they pass through, while also preventing improperly digested food from entering your blood and causing a wide range of adverse effects to your health.

2. Maintain a Healthy Weight
The longer you chew, the more time it will take you to finish a meal, and research shows that eating slowly can help you to eat less and, ultimately, to avoid weight gain or even lose weight. For example, chewing your food twice as long as you normally would will instantly help you control your portion sizes, which naturally decreases calorie consumption.

3. Your Food Gets More Exposure to Your Saliva
Saliva contains digestive enzymes, so the longer you chew, the more time these enzymes have to start breaking down your food, making digestion easier on your stomach and small intestine. One of these enzymes is lingual lipase, an enzyme that helps break down fats, for example. Saliva also helps to lubricate your food so it's easier on your esophagus.

4. Easier Digestion
The chewing process predigests your food into small pieces and partially liquefies it, making it easier to digest. Digestion is actually a very demanding task for your body, requiring a great deal of energy, especially if forced to digest improperly chewed food. Chewing properly allows your stomach to work more efficiently and break down your food faster.

5. It's Good for Your Teeth
The bones holding your teeth get a 'workout' when you chew, helping to keep them strong. The saliva produced while chewing is also beneficial, helping to clear food particles from your mouth and wash away bacteria so there may be less plaque buildup and tooth decay.

6. Less Excess Bacteria Lingering in Your Intestines
When large particles of improperly chewed food enter your stomach, it may remain undigested when it enters your intestines. There bacteria will begin to break it down, or in other words it will start to putrefy, potentially leading to gas and bloating, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, cramping and other digestive problems.

7. Enjoy and Taste Your Food
If you rush through your meal with hardly any chewing, you're also not really tasting or enjoying the food. When you take the time to properly chew your food, it forces you to slow down, savor each morsel and really taste all the flavors your food has to offer.

Adding Exercise to Your Schedule helps in Weight Loss

Reasons to Exercise:
  1. Achieve and maintain goal weight.
  2. Build muscle tissue.
  3. Increase metabolism, strength & endurance.
  4. Increase energy, flexibility & mobility.
  5. Improve mood, self-esteem & memory.
  6. Decrease stress, depression & anxiety.
  7. Promote sleep, energy level & healing.
  8. Lower blood pressure & blood sugar.
  9. Improve cholesterol & heart & lung function.
  10. Strengthen bones & reduce bone loss.
  11. Reduce joint stiffness & improve posture.
  12. Increase life expectancy.

Make a Plan:
  1. Choose a location: Such as home, office, gym, park
  2. Choose a time of day: Such as before work, lunch time, after work, evenings or a combination
  3. Choose an exercise: A class, home exercise machine, gym exercise machines, personal trainer, walking program, swimming (whatever type you will enjoy)
  4. Implement Your Plan: Make a commitment and set a date. Start slow, pace yourself and progress as tolerated. Stay consistent

Regular Re-Evaluation of Plan / Progress:
Monitor your progress and recognize your achievements

Remember that increased energy is one of the benefits of exercise. Even a 10 minute walk increases energy for a couple of hours. If you are feeling tired or sluggish, get up a take a walk.

You don’t have to committ to an hour at the gym each day. If time is a problem, try breaking your work out into 3 or 4 ten minute sessions throughout
the day.

Do you worry about what everyone else at the gym looking at you? Or maybe that you don’t know anything about the exercise equipment? Learn about the equipment ahead of time, hire a personal trainer or join a beginner class. You will not be the only newbee!

Exercise need not be expensive. It can be, for sure, but doesn’t have to be. If you can’t or don’t want to join a gym or sign up for a class, you don’t need to. There are exercise programs on TV. You can buy or rent a DVD. Check out yard sales for exercise equipment to have at home or work. Exercise balls, weights and resistance bands are fairly inexpensive.

If you wait until you can ‘find the time’, it may never happen. We will always find something more important to do. Make exercise important. Put it on your daily calendar and consider it an appointment for your health.

Not in the Mood:
Read the list of benefits – improved mood is one of them. If you’ve gotten up in a bad mood or had a bad day, exercise might be just the therapy you need to brighten your mood.

Too Old:
Exercise builds strong bones and improves heart and lung function – at any age!

Too Sore:
Exercise will warm up and loosen muscles. Keep moving – no pain, no gain!!

Ways to Add Step’s to Your Day
  1. Walk around in the grocery store, before you begin your shopping.
  2. Make multiple trips up and down your stairs at home while cleaning or doing laundry.
  3. Take the dog for a walk (or walk your neighbors dog).
  4. Pace around the house while talking on the phone.
  5. Buy a treadmill for raining day walking.
  6. March in place during TV commercials.
  7. Join a charity walk (or lots of them).
  8. Go for a short walk when you get to work, before beginning your day.
  9. Use the furtherest restroom from your work station.
  10. Avoid elevators and escalators. Take the stairs whenever possible.
  11. Park as far as possible from the store or work.
  12. Create a walking challenge with family or co-workers.
  13. Tour a local zoo or museum.
  14. Try out a new sport, such as volleyball, golf, softball, tennis or skating.
  15. Organizing a community clean-up, or simply walk through your own neighborhood removing debris.
  16. Attend a community garage sale or flea market.
  17. Walk around a local park.
  18. Walk a local beach.
Ways to Move More & Be Successful

  1. Whenever possible, run errands without your car.
  2. Ride a bike or walk on a treadmill during your favorite TV show.
  3. Get up and do something during TV commercials, such as jumping jacks or walking in place.
  4. Plan one leisure activity that involves being active, during each weekend.
  5. Listen to books on tape or your favorite music while walking.
  6. Jumping rope burns lots of calories.
  7. Wash your own car.
  8. Swing your arms while walking. You’ll burn more calories.
  9. Fifteen minutes of vacuuming burns 80 calories.
  10. Buy small weights or dumbells and use them while you are watching TV.
  11. Store an exercise band in your desk or work station and take quick breaks to use it during the course of the day.
  12. Buy and use a pedometer to track your steps during the day. Aim for 2000 steps per day.
  13. Keep comforterable shoes at work for taking daily walks.
  14. Buy a fun water bottle and use it daily.
  15. Give a loved one a massage. You’ll be expending calories, while connecting with family.
  16. Take up dancing. Great exercise and fun. There are a number of different types of dance. One may appeal to you.
  17. Try gardening. Even small space gardening requires movement to start and keep up with.
  18. Remember the hula hoop? 5-10 minutes while watching TV will raise your heart rate and strengthen your core.

Amazing Benefits and Uses of Banana in Diet

1. Gives Instant Surge of Energy :
It does this by converting the natural sugars into instant energy and this is one of the reasons sportsmen consume it during intervals.  Bananas are an excellent breakfast for kids and adults as it provides required energy throughout the day. This probably the most popular health benefit of banana.

2. Helps Keep Blood Pressure Under Control :
Research indicates that potassium keeps blood pressure under control and improved consumption of calcium, potassium and magnesium can also help decrease high blood pressure. Bananas are rich in potassium, calcium & magnesium, so it is a healthy option for keeping blood pressure in check.

3. Helps Lower Cholesterol :
It is said that Pectin which is a soluble fibre in banana helps to lower Cholesterol levels.  According to researchers, fibres that are water soluble such as pectin, psyllium, beta-glucan etc., lower the LDL Cholesterol without disturbing the HDL cholesterol.

4. Supports Renal Health :
Bananas being a rich source of potassium, if consumed regularly in moderation, promote renal health. The International Journal of Cancer states that Bananas being a rich source of antioxidant phenolic compounds, if consumed together with cabbage and root vegetables protect renal health.

5. Improves Nerve Function and Enhances Brain Power :
Banana is a rich source of B vitamins and therefore perks up nerve function.  Potassium, in banana keeps the mental faculties vigilant and boosts learning abilities.

6. Decreases The Risk of Stroke :
Studies indicate that regular intake of bananas in daily diet helps reduce the occurrence of stroke and this is due to the high amount of potassium.

7. Reduces the Risk of Cancer :
Rich in antioxidants and dietary fibre, consumption of bananas reduce risk of various types of cancer, especially bowel cancer.

8. Helps Build Healthy Bones :
Probiotic bacteria present in bananas is said to have astonishing ability to absorb calcium in the body. Hence, consuming bananas help in building better bones.

9. Enhances Digestive Ability :
It is very rich in fructooligosaccharide which acts as a probiotic (friendly bacteria). It stimulates the growth and activity of probiotics in the colon and produces enzymes that enable absorption of nutrients thus enhancing the digestive ability and preventing unfriendly bacteria from harming the body.

10. Helps Combat Stomach Ulcers :
Certain substances in bananas stimulate the cells which make up the stomach lining, this enables production of a thicker protective mucus barrier against stomach acids.  Also the substance known as protease inhibitors in banana, help getting rid of bacteria in the stomach that produces stomach ulcers, thus protecting against damage of stomach and ulcer.

11. Helps in Controlling Diarrhea :
Raw bananas are astringent in nature and are effective in treatment for diarrhoea.  They also regulate fluid balance.

12. Relieve from Constipation :
Pectin found in Bananas, help to alleviate constipation and improves bowel function.

13. Helps in Curing Piles :
Since bananas help regulate bowel movement they help cure piles.

15. Helps Alleviating Heartburn :
The antacid substance in banana gives immense relief from heartburn

16. Prevents Allergies :
The presence of benign amino acids in banana helps combat allergies.

17. Helps Withdrawing Smoking Urge :
Vitamins B6 and B12 along with magnesium and Potassium in Bananas helps recover from nicotine addiction.

18. Helps Recovering from Hangover :
Bananas when blended with honey and yoghurt cures hangover.

19. Enhance Weight Gain :
The combination of milk and bananas enhances weight gain.  Bananas provide the body with necessary natural sugars and milk provides protein.

20. Bananas Benefits for Weight Loss :
Bananas contain loads of fibre and low amounts of fat and they are also easily digestible. A banana of 100 grams contains approx. 90 calories.  And taking into consideration all its benefits it will not hurt including it into your diet. So dear weight watchers don’t eliminate banana from your diet completely.

21. Prevents Insomnia :
Bananas are rich in amino acids known as Tryptophan.  This substance triggers production of melatonin (sleep hormone) which induces sleep.  Eating banana a few hours before bedtime ensures a peaceful night’s sleep.

22. Reduces Inflammation Due to Mosquito Bites :
Itching and swelling caused by mosquito bites can be reduced by rubbing the inside of a banana on it.

23. Other Benefits of Bananas :
Bananas curbs morning sickness.  Snacking on bananas at regular intervals helps preventing it.
Vitamin B6, serotonin, tryptophan, dopamine, etc., in bananas help combat symptoms of PMS, erratic mood swings, and depression.

Skin Benefits Of Banana :
Banana fruit has nutrients that are essential for the skin. They contain significant amounts of vitamin C and B6 which plays vital role in maintaining the integrity and elasticity of the skin.
In addition, the large amount of antioxidants and manganese present in banana protect the body from damage caused by oxygen free radicals which lead to premature aging of the skin.

So a major benefit from banana is younger looking skin. Banana has about 75 per cent water by weight. Thus banana helps hydrate your skin and prevents it from drying and peeling.
Here are some benefits of banana for skin care :

24. Natural Moisturiser :
Banana is a great natural moisturiser for your skin. The Vitamin A present in banana restores the lost moisture and repairs the damaged, dull and dry skin. To instantly moisturise dry and dull skin, mash a ripe banana and apply it on your face. Avoid contact with eyes. Leave it on your skin for 20-25 minutes and then wash it away with lukewarm water. You will instantly have soft and supple skin.If you have extremely dry and flaky skin, you can also add honey to this face mask.This banana and honey mask also helps in getting rid of skin pigmentation.

26. Banana Skin Scrubs :
Banana is full of anti-oxidants; mixed with a few ingredients, it not only helps to get rid of dead skin but also leaves it feeling rejuvenated.

Here are some banana based scrubs that you make using ingredients available in your kitchen :
Take mashed banana and 1 tbsp. of sugar and mix them well. Apply it on your skin and rub it in circular motions. Banana will moisturise the dry skin while sugar granules will get rid of the dead skin.
Mash a ripe banana; add 2-3 tablespoons of oats, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon milk. Apply it on your face and leave it 5 minutes, then slowly rub it on your skin. Wash with cold water. In case you have extremely dry skin, you can substitute milk with fresh cream.
Take half a ripe banana, 1 tbsp. coconut milk, 2 tbsp. uncooked rice, blend everything together to get a thick paste. Gently massage your face with this paste and wash with cold water afterwards.

To make a body scrub, mash 2 bananas with 4-5 strawberries using a blender. Mix 3 tablespoons of sugar and use it as a body scrub when you take a bath.

28. Foot Care :
The moisturizing property of banana can be used to get rid of cracked heels. All you need to do is mash the pulp of two ripe bananas and apply this pulp on clean, dry feet. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse the feet clean. The banana pulp will penetrate deep into dry, cracked skin to create soft and supple feet.

29. Goodbye Puffy Eyes :
Mash half a banana and apply generously around the puffy eyes. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and then rinsing with cool water. The puffiness will vanish instantly. The potassium rich banana draws out excess fluid from under my skin and reduces the swelling immediately.

You can also apply the banana peels instead of mashed banana. This tip can also be used whenever you apply any face pack and think about putting cucumber slices on your eyes

Benefits of Barley for good health

The uses of barley are many. For the convenience of reading, here we have divided the benefits into the categories of health, skin and hair.
Skin Benefits of Barley
When it comes to skincare, barley is extremely beneficial as it is packed with vitamin C, antioxidants and minerals. It has proven to reduce inflammation and create a barrier to protect the skin from outside pollutants. The skincare benefits of barley are as follows.
1. Maintains Skin Elasticity
Barley contains selenium which preserves skin elasticity and protects it against free radical damage. Selenium improves the functioning of your heart, pancreas and immune system. Deficiency of this mineral can cause skin, colon, prostate, liver, stomach and breast cancers.
2. Improves Skin Tone
By enhancing skin elasticity, barley facilitates skin tightening, making your skin more supple and well-toned and giving it a younger appearance.
3. Anti-ageing Properties
The antioxidants in barley help in decelerating the signs of ageing. Barley water flushes out toxins from the body, thus giving you a clean wrinkle free skin texture.
4. Healing Properties
Barley is a rich source of zinc which speeds up the healing properties of the body. Barley greens, when taken orally or applied as a paste can heal facial lesions within 5-6 months.

Hair Benefits of Barley
Healthy hair is a part of a healthy body. Deficiency of nutrients or prolonged illness can adversely affect your hair, leading to hair problems such as thinning, alopecia, hair loss, premature greying, dandruff etc. Thus, the hair follicles also need nutrients to maintain their health and growth of the hair. Barley contains all the vital nutrients including proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber as well as vitamins and antioxidants that are vital for hair health and offers the following hair care benefits.
5. Restores Hair Colour
Consumption of green barley grass helps in restoring your hair colour. Moreover, barley contains the mineral copper that is involved in the formation of melanin, a pigment which provides colour to your hair.
6. Promotes Hair Growth
Barley is rich in micronutrients thiamin and niacin that help in hair growth. It also contains Procyanidin B-3 which is isolated from barley and identified as a hair growth stimulant.
7. Combats Hair Loss
Anaemia is one of the most common causes of hair loss. Barley contains the minerals iron and copper which enhance the production of red blood cells, thus warding off anaemia and consequently stimulating hair growth.

Health Benefits of Barley

Being a great source of nutrients, antioxidants and minerals, barley is loaded with amazing health benefits which are given below.
8. Lowers Cholesterol Levels
Barley is rich in both soluble and insoluble fibers. The soluble fiber dissolves and binds with fatty acids, thus lowering total cholesterol levels as well as low-density lipoprotein (LDL), also known as bad cholesterol. The insoluble fiber, on the other hand, yields propionic acid that helps in keeping the blood cholesterol levels low. Low cholesterol levels significantly reduce the risk of stroke and heart attacks.
9. Aids in Weight Loss
Consuming barley makes you feel fuller for a longer period and hence suppresses appetite. Moreover, the fiber in barley facilitates the removal of fat substances from the body. Thus, barley can aid in weight loss.
10. Protection Against Cancer
Barley contains a phytonutrient called plant lignans. One such lignan called enterolactone helps to prevent breast cancer as well as coronary diseases. The dietary fiber provides the good bacteria in the large intestines that help in proper functioning, thus protecting against colon cancer.
11. Checks Diabetes
Eating barley is particularly beneficial for diabetic patients as it stabilizes the blood glucose levels. This is because the beta-glucan fiber found in this whole grain has the ability to slow down the body’s absorption of carbohydrates from foods, leading to a reduction in glucose and insulin levels.
12. Beneficial in Anemia
Barley contains the mineral copper which helps in the formation of hemoglobin needed for the production of red blood cells. Thus, it helps in abating anemia.
13. Aids in Digestion
Barley juice is extremely beneficial for the digestive system. It aids in digestion by enabling the digestive juices to work overtime, thus reducing the bloated feeling in the stomach. It helps to shed calories by preventing the build-up of fat and increasing the rate of metabolism.
14. Prevents Gallstones
Being rich in insoluble fiber, barley helps in reducing bile acids secretion, thus increasing insulin sensitivity and reducing the levels of triglycerides. Hence, barley can help women to avoid gallstones effectively.
15. Improves Immunity
Barley contains twice the amount of vitamin C than that in oranges which supports your immune system by reducing the chances of cold and flu. Iron enhances the blood volume, thus preventing anemia and fatigue. It facilitates proper kidney functioning and development of body cells. The manganese enables you to feel good and energetic which in turn benefits the nervous system and immune system.
16. Prevents Osteoporosis
Barley grass contains phosphorus and copper which are good for the overall health of bones. Phosphorus is effective in curing bone and tooth ailments. Barley grass juice has eleven times more calcium than milk. Manganese is needed for normal bone production and also in iron deficiency. Thus, barley can be a natural remedy for osteoporosis.
17. Prevents Atherosclerosis
The thickening of artery walls due to coagulation of fatty materials such as cholesterol is known as atherosclerosis. Niacin or B vitamin complex contained in this food grain reduces the overall cholesterol and lipoprotein levels, thereby lowering the cardiovascular risk factors. Having barley is particularly beneficial for postmenopausal women having high blood pressure, high cholesterol or cardiovascular diseases.
18. Protects the Body Organs
Barley protects important organs like heart, pancreas and liver by keeping the dangerous diseases like heart diseases, colon and breast cancers and prostate problems at bay. The phosphorus in this grain helps to keep the bones and teeth healthy and aids in the functioning of kidneys and heart muscles.
19. Antidote Properties
According to the research studies, barley possesses antidote properties due to which it can prevent the spread of poison in the body.
20. Healthy Bowel Functioning
It also helps to maintain healthy bowel functions due to its rich fiber content. This helps in preventing constipation.
21. Diuretic Property
It is a powerful diuretic and keeps the urinary tract healthy by preventing Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).
22. Cools Down the Body
It is the perfect summer drink as it brings down the heat content from the body. This is why it is generally given to people with high temperatures.
23. Benefits PregnancyBarley water has specific benefits for pregnant women. I have listed them here.

  • It helps prevent yeast and UTI during pregnancy.
  • It helps ease the common problems like morning sickness and nausea.
  • It regulates blood sugar levels and thus helps in prevention of gestational diabetes.
  • It also prevents edema (swollen ankle and feet) by improving circulation and preventing high BP.
  • It prevents constipation and haemorrhoids.

Comparison of Weight Loss Surgeries

Anatomy :
Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery : Long Pouch (150ml) connected to small intestine by a wide joint and bypassing 2 metres of intestine.
Roux-n-Y : Small gastric pouch (30ml) connected to the small intestine and bypassing 1m of intestine.
Sleeve : Long narrow gastric pouch (150ml)

Excess Weight Loss :
Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery : 92%
Roux-n-Y : 72%
Sleeve : 53%

Relief of Type-2 Diabetes :
Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery : 94%
Roux-n-Y : 76%
Sleeve : 59%

Correction of High Cholesterol :
Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery : 90%
Roux-n-Y : 80%
Sleeve : 70%

Leaks :
Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery : Nil
Roux-n-Y : Rare
Sleeve : 2%

No. of Joints of Stomach with intestine :
Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery : One
Roux-n-Y : Two
Sleeve : Nil

Weight Regain :
Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery : Minimal or No Weight Regain
Roux-n-Y : 8%
Sleeve : 14%

Reversibility :
Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery : Completely Reversible
Roux-n-Y : Not Reversible
Sleeve : Not Reversible

Start of Liquid Diet :
Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery : 5 hrs after Surgery
Roux-n-Y : 24 hrs after Surgery
Sleeve : 24 hrs after Surgery

Mobilization after surgery :
Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery : 5 hrs after Surgery
Roux-n-Y : 1 day after surgery
Sleeve : 1 day after surgery

Surgery Time :
Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery : 45 minutes
Roux-n-Y : 2 hours
Sleeve : 1 hour