Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Best Obesity Surgery Center in India

Best Obesity Surgery Center in India 

Weight Loss Surgery in India

What is Obesity?

When a person has weight which is about 20% more than the ideal body weight a person is said to be obese. Obesity is graded in terms of BMI (Body Mass Index) which is a statistical measurement derived from one’s height and weight. At BMI more than 23 person start showing sign of obesity. A BMI of more than 30 indicates that you are behavioral method have failed in controlling your weight and you are a candidate of Bariatric surgery.
BMI = Weight (in kg)/Height (in m2)

Factors leading to Obesity :

Some people are born with a predisposition to gaining weight and becoming obese. Factors that increase the person’s risk of becoming obese are genetics, lack of physical activity, family history, age, negative emotions, sex, eating disorder.

Complications associated with Obesity :

Incident of heart attack with BMI more than 40 is about 10 time more in obese person. Obesity puts you at greater risk of developing diabetes, gall bladder diseases, hypertension, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, breathlessness, sleep apnea, CHD, osteoarthritis, gout, reproductive hormone abnormalities and polycystic ovary syndrome and so on…

Ways to overcome obesity :

Weight loss is usually possible thru dietary changes, increased physical activity and behavior modification. One can reduce 10 to 15 kg excessive body weight with dieting and exercise but once you lose your weight another difficult task is to maintain your idle body weight which is a difficult task for every person. In case where dieting, exercise does not work you know what is the golden way to lose your excessive body weight the magical way is weight lose surgery or Bariatric Surgery which helps you to fight against your excessive weight and solve various complication related obesity.

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